TYT – Extended Clip June 22, 2011

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “TYT – Extended Clip June 22, 2011

  1. I searched “Pelican plastic case” and this nasty ass liberal cunt popped up again. WTF?

  2. The very worse thing that could happen to America is to have Gov.Rick Perry to
    be President ! he is a phony snake Elmer Gantry hypocrite,he lives a life of
    luxury while the poor suffer,then brags about the money he has in the rainy day
    fund.Perry makes me sick.I hate him I really do HATE him !

  3. - You don’t understand the role of minimum wages or trade unions in an economy. Free trade eliminates both by forcing jobs overseas to cheaper labor markets. Illegal immigrants undercut the standard of living of Americans by forcing average wages lower. If you enjoy being a wage slave, then do as you say. While it is true that illegals come from every country, the majority come from Mexico. There is a legal path to citizenship now, expecting everyone to obey the law is not racist.

  4. @bhimalnaraine “Whats the dream act?” It is a proposed law allowing people whose parents brought them to the US illegally as minors who are good students go to school or who want to join the military, and gives them a legal path to citizenship which does not currently exist (once you’re illegal, you’re screwed basically). I was actually surprised about the military part because I was sure we already let people fasttrack as citizens when they join; it helped us in several wars that people did.

  5. Also regarding the system what I said was the system does not work. If it did, we would not have an economy relying on millions of illegal immigrants because enough people would have a legal path to come here and do the work, among other things. Illegal immigrants don’t just come from Mexico or Canada, either. Free market forces result in illegals supplying the demand despite bad laws. Those against a LEGAL PATH TO CITIZENSHIP (as Republicans have) reveal their racism, as well.

  6. The supreme court ruled that RACE BASED control of immigration was illegal. The laws were “repaired” with quotas based on NATIONALITY, which correlates roughly to race. We do vote for people to change the laws but idiots who don’t know how they work or the history keep them in place, as well as those benefitting from exploitation. This country was founded on no immigration law. They were added later by the Know Nothing Party, proxies for the KKK. Racist laws with racist reasons.

  7. - People like me that is a hoot. There is a system, moron. It’s a very unfair one. The point is to keep immigrants out to keep minimum wages up. There is no Supreme Court ruling that controlling immigration is illegal. I have a son who cannot come into the US because his mother cannot get a visa. Unfortunately she can’t sneak across the border like Mexicans. People that break the law should not be rewarded no matter how nice a person they are. Vote for someone to change the laws.

  8. i think its funny how the entire TyT crew is so oblivious to why Obama makes all of these middle-of-the-road, right-wing decisions……….its like none of them want to admit or cant admit that hes corrupt.
    They’re trying to rationalize his decision making from the left hand perspective…when the entire time hes sitting on the right..and theres nothing to question.

  9. things like the first 10 or so minutes always makes me feel really really uncertain and afraid for the future of this country.

  10. No one will say it??? fine i will Cenk for prez. There i said it lol……..

  11. Ana- the things you desctribe are almost universal Asian-American and Asian immigrant experiences.

  12. All the Republicans, as Cenk pointed out, are a joke, except for Ron Paul in my opinion. Unless Obama pulls his head out of his ass in the next year, I’ll throw my vote away before voting for him OR the Republican candidate. I’ll do a write in for Ron Paul. Get rid of the Fed, bring our troops home, legalize nature (marijuana), release the prisoners who were convicted for possessing this plant and bring back the gold standard!!!! I love this guy!

  13. I think Cenk should quit complaining and start DOING.  I’d vote for you. Run man, run! Get paid by the lobbyists, get your free boat and house, then crush them! Get your non social security retirement and then take it away from everyone and force the house and the senate to use the same benefits the rest of the nation have!!!

  14. There were two really good moments in this video that will make the annual highlight reel, I hope. I’ll suggest them when it’s time. Soundboard fail & the Cenk being shocked!!!! moment.

  15. Actually we don’t have a system, at least not one that makes any kind of sense. Clearly less people can come in legally than we need, the laws have illegal (according to the supreme court) quotas restricting entry by race, the legal methods for getting a visa much less become a citizen have idiotic waiting periods. Waiting 10+ years to pick lettuce makes you too old to do it. We are trying to change these laws but people like you won’t let us because they benefit from exploitation.

  16. I wish President Obama would watch your show Cenk !! Alas..The Whitehouse is not listening.. :-( (

  17. Republicans wouldn’t even BLINK before they boot that poor hard working Antonio kid out of the US, while they sit on their born-lazily-into-the-US and actively-destroying-it-from-the-inside useless rich-because-of-daddy’s asses and chastise him; fucking pisses me off.

  18. We have a system. There are lots of great immigrant stories. We can”t have different rules for everybody. If you don’t like the rules, change them. Otherwise, boot the illegals out.

  19. 1. Cenk
    2. Ana
    3. Jayar
    4. Asian Guy
    5. Chubby Balding Guy
    6. Jesus
    7. Smart Blonde
    8. That Dog Walking Around in That One Episode
    9. Chairs
    10. Shiny Table Tops
    11. Potted Plants
    12. Ben

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