China News – August 31st, 2012: Blood Tested in Labor Camp, Man Builds own Lamborghini

China News - August 31st, 2012: Blood Tested in Labor Camp, Man Builds own Lamborghini

In today’s NTD China News, Chinese dissident blogger Wang Xiaoning is released from prison. He served a nine year sentence after Yahoo! provided details of his account to Chinese authorities, helping them to track online articles critical of the Communist Party back to Wang. A Falun Gong practitioner who escaped persecution in China speaks to NTD about her experience in a Chinese labor camp, where, amidst the abuse and torture, prison official would do blood tests on her and others, with no explanation. This is all against a backdrop of allegations that the Chinese regime systematically harvests organs from Falun Gong practitioners and sells them to patients needing transplants. A US Consulate security guard in China confesses to espionage. Brian Underwood tried to sell surveillance plans of the consulate, but his bid was unsuccessful, and eventually resulted in his arrest. China’s largest bank, the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, posts a modest rise in profits for the first half of the year. At the same time, overdue loans have also risen, highlight a higher credit risk facing Chinese banks. More children are becoming obese in China. The number has topped 120 million, and an expert believes this could pose unforeseen problems down the future. A Chinese man who grew up with a love of fast cars decides to build his own. Try telling his Lamborghini apart from the real one. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on

5 thoughts on “China News – August 31st, 2012: Blood Tested in Labor Camp, Man Builds own Lamborghini

  1. 詳細くりっく 宝くじ当選 当選金お譲りします on said:


  2. ◆◇◆◇◆いきなりの書き込み失礼します。お金にお困りの方、いらっしゃいますか?実は宝くじで100,000,000円当選したのですが、その使い道に困ってます…馬鹿みたいな話ですが事実です。単刀直入に申しますとこの当選金をどなたかにお譲りしたいと思ってます。既にお譲りが済んだ方もいますが、少額でのお譲りが多かったため結構な額が残ってます…本日中にお譲りする事も可能なので遠慮せず仰って下さい。出来る限りご希望の金額を、と考えております。もし、お受け取りになりたい方いましたら、サイト内ですと書き込みが削除されます場合が御座いますので、こちらの→【】リンクより、スムーズにお話をすすめる事ができますので、どうぞお早めのご連絡をお待ちしております。◆◇◆◇◆

  3. Oh shut the fuck up you capitalist passive consumerist faggot. It’s not communism that is the problem, and it’s not CHINA that is the problem. It’s the Chinese leaders. Go to hell you fucking tool.

  4. this is how evil china is. The world knows what you do china, you can run but you can’t hide. Internationally, communist parties are idiots. We all know it. What are you going to do? I’m critical of the Chinese government! Come and get me you bit*h.

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