See Part 3 www.youtube.com See part 2 www.youtube.com See part 1 www.youtube.com Visit me at www.ericthecarguy.com Well we have reached the conclusion of the Used Car Inspection series and in my opinion this is probably the most important video in the series. I feel you can learn more from a test drive than just about anything else that I’ve covered so far so be sure to take the vehicle you’re looking to purchase for a thorough test drive to really shake it down before you commit to purchase. – Click below and Stay Dirty Visit me at EricTheCarGuy.com ericthecarguy.com Visit EricTheCarGuy Forum www.ericthecarguy.com Visit my Facebook Page: www.facebook.com – Stay dirty ETCG Due to factors beyond the control of EricTheCarGuy, it cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of this information, or improper use of this information. EricTheCarGuy assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. EricTheCarGuy recommends safe practices when working with power tools, automotive lifts, lifting tools, jack stands, electrical equipment, blunt instruments, chemicals, lubricants, or any other tools or equipment seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of EricTheCarGuy, no information contained in this video shall create any express or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
If I lived in Ohio anywhere near where he works. This would be the guy that I would take my car to for things that I can’t fix. Even if that meant like say a 100 mile trip.
Which car do you guys feel would be the best purchase out of the three? In terms of reliability and the cheapest to maintain and such things. 2001-05 Honda Civic sedan, 2003-08 Toyota Corolla, or the 1998-02 Honda Accord sedan.
This car reminds me of my dad’s 92 Legacy. It was a good sturdy car until a drunk **** hit it from the rear in a traffic light, the collision was so violent that my dad had a concussion, front seats were bent backwards and the car chassis also got bent that the rear doors wouldn’t open easily, scrap yard was its final destination.
I really miss driving that car without my dad knowing when I was teenager
Yo Eric, are you a musical or import car guy and what’s your favorite modal and type or did I say that wrong.?
I like to look under the car as well, looking for any oil or fuel leaks. Also you can see major rust spots. Great Videos, thanks Eric
I like your videos a lot! My first thing be for leaving on a road test is hand brake check and brake check. Great work
I once bought a 87 oldsmobile omega from a dealership for $189 and yes everything works well on it
certified used its certified that i used it
certified pieces of shit
he is trying to hustle u
he aint honest he is a shiester
im not impressed with this car
he is showing you how to pick out a lemon he loves lemons
I support your demand!
Tasteless rims can be replaced, a wasted interior is hell…
I had a guy not letting me drive a 2006/2007 Audi A4. Well, guess what, I walked away. That’s what you do in such cases.
Hey eric my cruise control is not working…. should i be worried? lol thanks
He got it as trade for some work on a civic so sort of didn’t cost him anything
Excellent video. I learned some things I haven’t seen on other videos.
thanks for the tips, Eric!
i bought a 04 volvo XC70 157k miles. timing belt was replaced at 122k. my question is when i first start it up on a cold start it sounds like a metallic rattle. the noise goes away after the car is warm and you never hear it again until gets cold again. also if your at a dead stop and go to accelerate there is one click that is heard. im not sure if it is due to a AWD transmission solenoid or what but it shifts smoothly, has good power. i do know the upper motor mount needs replaced though
Nice to hear, far to many people ruin beautiful cars with tasteless rims
HAHA!! no way! I like my cars as if they came out of the factory! So thanks!
Yeah, hopefully it’s gonna turn out OK. Not THAT expensive either, my KTM 125cc motorcycle cost over double the price of the car, but still quite a bit of money to just loose on a bad buy. Those cars are awesome ! Just don’t put 20″ chrome wheels on it. Hopefully you are gonna have more luck than I did with my first car !
Remember to thoroughly check under it with a flashlight for rust and I’m sure you’ll do fine