Bruce Bueno de Mesquita: How How to Buy a Car, Using Game Theory

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, author of The Predictioneer’s Game, shares his foolproof method for getting your next car for the lowest price possible.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

24 thoughts on “Bruce Bueno de Mesquita: How How to Buy a Car, Using Game Theory

  1. Kinda. Hustling is using asymmetric information to your advantage. In other words, you know more than the other guy, and you use this knowledge to make money, or in this case, save money. Hustling in a bar, winning money off of people in games like pool is dirty and mean spirited and is likely to get you a fat lip, where as pitting car dealerships against each other in competition to lower a price is just smart economics.

    Hustling is only type of way you can apply Game Theory, there are others

  2. Well, the current wage is $9.50, not deducting taxes. I could make around $700 monthly in that salary. I currently live with my parents so I don’t pay anything out of my pocket.

  3. You are only 18 and you want an Audi A4? How much do you make in your job? Also since you are 18, i am assuming your credit history isn’t that great? Do you know your credit score? Also do you have parents who will cosign for you?

  4. lol no dude, you are wrong. I have done this before but instead of using the phone, I just used email. Plus with email, everything is recorded and you don’t actually have to waste time on the phone.

  5. This person is so out of everything, which country does he live in? It is to your benefit to visit a dealer and find a sales person who can help you to do a selection and negotiate for you, you don’t like them you don’t buy from them. How do you know the price given over the phone is not a game. I bet you this person bought 11 cars this way and has paid 11 times too much!!!

  6. I Agree and Disagree with what your saying. But all cars have different accident history’s unless bought new. A car involved in an accident is worth less and depreciates faster for as long as you own the car. You may think you got a car for cheap but you only bought a car that’s a headache, because of its history report or maintenance history.
    Not only that but dealers will throw in security fees, option fees,and Documentation fees upon arrival. Tough! but possible to do business over the phone.

  7. You learned in a statistics class that seeking out a youtube video about game theory on the same day you studied game theory is a coincidence? You oughtta look into getting your money back from that class.

  8. It’s simple. You tell each dealer what options you want. If they don’t have a car that has your options, they’re out of the race. Goodbye.
    If they have a car with the option you want, but a few more…well, they have to decide whether they can beat another dealer who may have EXACTLY the options you’re looking for.
    It’s not rocket science. Either they have the lowest price for the options you want, or they don’t.

  9. Bruce I need your help. I’m 18, I plan to buy a car in at least 6 months. The problem is I can only pay half in cash for the total car price ;however, I want to apply for credit and I don’t know if it’s a good idea. I will get a job and that will help me pay the car its self. I don’t know if they will give credit, since I have no job history. I want an Audi A4 2011. Do you think it’s good or bad ? Please help me, thanks.

  10. You’re so disgruntled; sure hope I never buy a car from you! NOBODY is out spending their time and energy “proving a point to the big bad dealerships,” they’re trying to get the best deal. That’s all. Your hindsight is 20/20. ANY dealership could be rotten; you can’t know. That he got one in this instance doesn’t mean one shouldn’t take the best deal.

  11. I don’t believe you. If a friend was in the market or the same car I bought, why WOULDN’T I tell them where I got a great deal. And how is it not a fair deal when the dealer himself set the price? He didn’t have to price it that low; he decided he’d rather have that extra hundred than nothing at all—plus he just boosted the numbers by 1 car. Your PITA statement means you don’t want customers who demand good service. NO ONE expends time and energy just to be PITA; they want their repair fixed!

  12. Can’t see where is game theory in this. You simply make market bend to your will, that is all.

  13. As a consumer, I’m all for getting a good deal. However, let me tell you about a friend who did this. 4 Honda dealers within radius. Honda dealer furthest away beat everybody by about $600. Friend has had nothing but horror stories about this dealer and their service, and wishes he would have paid the $600 and bought from the 5 star Honda dealer less than 4 miles from his house. But no, my friend had to prove a point to the big bad dealerships.

  14. In the car business, the customers that you make little or no profit on (a “mini” deal for the salesperson, usually $100) are the WORST kind. They do not send referrals, they don’t buy from you again and are a general PITA service wise and not matter what, will leave a horrible review. The customers that make a fair deal for both parties, that let you make a little money, will send you referrals, repeat business and will be customers for life. Fact.

  15. ^^^This is why the world is the way it is. People just don’t know how to listen…..

  16. I told the salesman in advance what I wanted, He said I understand, I said ok lets get the show on the road. Salesman comes back after talking with sales manager and the price wasnt what I wanted. I thank him for his time and get in my car. Here comes sales manager and he says I will give you more money off car. I told him I wouldn’t buy now at no price because I earlier had informed what I needed and you gave me price and that was your offer. I went on my way.

  17. This video lost all credibility when he said 6k under invoice. No dealer ever sells a car under invoice let alone 6k under. Whatever f&i mrg that ok’ed that deal got fired immediately. No dealership can afford to stay in business giving those kind of deals

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