Speed-art Forza 4 Car Design (Dragon)

ECGxGant Visit my storefront :) evilcorpgaming.com this one took me roughly 8 hours. I did it overnight, and also it didnt go as well as i thought it would be so im kinda unsatisfied with this one. Enjoy! Awesome Steelseries Giveaway c.steelseries.com I do not use the xbox anymore, i retreated back to the PC, and just do casual gaming. on LoL and sorts of. Gant0901 signup.leagueoflegends.com

24 thoughts on “Speed-art Forza 4 Car Design (Dragon)

  1. well thats the problem. MY cars don’t load when I try and do any designs…wtf. Im like making a design on a blank canvas and then it won’t even upload onto the car. Anybody know why?

  2. Great paintjob but at end can you show the car longer so we get good look sorry for bad english

  3. sorry for bad english! really love the vid man great painting skills! still got a little question , example : how can i after making a simple snowman make a new layer to put behind it like a background like a blue square or somthing like that without loosing the snowmans head ? please respond forza 4 players out there , unbidpineaple4 is my gamertag or send me an e-mail in english or in dutch/nederlands to chatsmurf2@hotmail.com thanks already

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