Using Car Windows as Computers! Plus: SOPA, Apple Announcements & More

Using Car Windows as Computers! Plus: SOPA, Apple Announcements & More

Apple announcements, SOPA and PIPA make the internet go black causing more and more representatives to drop support, GM turning your car windows into computers and an emergency phone that takes a single AA battery. 00:01 Apple Announcement Another Apple Event, took place yesterday where they announced new innovations with iBooks. 00:38 SOPA and PIPA Black-Outs On wednesday, many sites including Wikipedia, Reddit and even Geekbeat went black to protest SOPA and PIPA. As of the recording the of show, 18 senators dropped support. 00:59 GM Windows of Opportunity GM is installing window technology that will let you use car windows as interactive computer inputs! 01:54 SpareOne Phones This phone takes a AA battery and provides it with power for emergency uses. Like, Comment & Share Today’s Episode: Cali on Twitter: Cali on Facebook: GeekBeatTV website: GeekBeatTV on Twitter GeekBeatTV on Facebook:
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18 thoughts on “Using Car Windows as Computers! Plus: SOPA, Apple Announcements & More

  1. im really excited about using car windows as computers. have you seen the new mission impossible movie? they used the same idea on the BMW car. it was pretty sick! the actual gps was displayed on the windshield. no need for an extra device. that would be really cool to see in the future!

  2. Does GM also provide complimentary plastic car mats…as this invention will just make a million kids car sick as they stare out of a window with moving background flashing past!

  3. The FBI Shut down Megaupload
    The Biggest online file-sharing Service

    this is worst that what SOPA would make to site like this

    Please Report On this important news

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