Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business

Courtesy of FOX Business News “MONEY With Melissa Francis” Aired: 11/30/2012 Content used with permission An important gas warning from the AAA affects anyone with a car older than 2012. E15, a higher blend of ethanol and gasoline, is EPA approved and is now being sold in a handful of states. Auto expert and car spokesperson Lauren Fix, The Car Coach, appears on FOX to explain why E15 can actually damage your car, cost thousands of dollars, and void your car’s warranty.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 thoughts on “Warning Not to Use E15 Gas in Your Car: FOX Business

  1. Searched all AAA websites finally found article they were referring to from 10/18/10!
    Yahoo search for # of E15 gas stations -website shows where you can buy it-there are TEN gas stations in the entire USA! That’s it.
    9 automakers say using E15 will void warranty only on cars OLDER THAN 2001. (Consumer Reports) & just happened upon Forbe$ article from 1/21/12 that says avg car on the road is 11+yrs old -is this all about automakers wanting to make your car obsolete so you will buy a new one?hmmm

  2. Thanks for info about refineries not being @ full capacity.There’s a long video on Youtube made around 2007 that names 0bama as one of only 3 senators to vote to turn the West into a switchgrass farm. 

  3. Lauren, this is so typical of liberal idealogues. How often do we see very shallow research behind their claims? They take an idea that sounds good to them and run with it. Anybody that dares to stand in their way is dismissed as somebody that doesn’t give a damn about the environment or whatever else is involved.

  4. Gasoho ethanol blends have been available and used for over 30 years in the United States, refer to the article from the College of Engineering, Univ of Wisconsin 1980 “The Great Gasohol Debate”. Today I proudly run ethanol every time I fuel up I love the idea that I’m buying American, and not funding Arab sheiks or other foreign government. Every gallon of ethanol sold, Big Oil lose about $4/gal at today’s fuel prices. For every gallon of ethanol America produces, Americans get paid.

  5. Leaking seals and worn piston rings can allow the introduction of ethanol fumes into the engine block and break down crankcase lubricating oils over time, so CHANGE YOUR OIL AT REGULAR INTERVALS TO AVOID THOSE PROBLEMS. Older style and cheap petroleum based rubber hoses and seals degrade over time, and ethanol may accelerate this process, which is why older vehicles are the ones having the most problems with ethanol use. The kicker is that the hose or gasket would likely be on it’s last legs

  6. Thanks for the warranty warning, but not the misinformation about ethanol. I cannot find a single reference to ethanol blending performed at the gas station, it is blended at the refineries. Ethanol is NOT corrosive to steel, iron, or aluminum, and as such it is NOT corrosive to engines. Ethanol is used as an oil and grease cleaner in automotive and aeronautical industries, and this characteristic of ethanol is where many of the problems arise in the use of ethanol in older engines.

  7. Fuel lines made of rubber will of course corrode with alcohol. Alcohol corrodes rubber and the like. Brilliant.

    America, produces so much corn we actually synthesize it into sugar. That’s what High Fructose Corn Syrup is. We Literally don’t know what to do with all the corn we make so A LOT gets thrown away. All the time. Everyday. This is not a new trend for farmers to strictly produce corn.

    Ethanol removes oil by-product build up on your engine. Fact.

    This is sensationalist Garbage

  8. Mike, you da man! People care more about trees then people. I have no clue how these wack jobs are getting away with it. You are right on, with the environment statement. The world is no worse off, then when Adam and Eve pitched a tent.

  9. Ethanol is not a bad fuel. Only reason cars are not ready is because most of the fuel systems need to be upgraded. Need bigger injectors, bigger and strong fuel lines, and a must more powerful fuel pump. The big difference is cars are not “tuned’ from the factory to burn ethanol. In fact Ethanol has a higher octane rating them 93. Alot of my fellow drag racers have converted their race cars to run ethanol.

  10. EPA has destroyed this Country, sand fleas & turtles have more rights than people. The 10% Ethanol is 100% garbage. Put a small amount of gas in a small opened container and sit back and watch it turn before your eyes. It destroys everything from weed wackers to marine to vintage cars. Screw the environment it’ll always heal itself over time. Most are to damn stupid to realize they pay more per gallon but lost 3-5 miles per gallon compared to pure gasoline.

  11. Thanks for the report. Had no idea this was occurring. Will check before I pump.

    It will take some time to educate people on this. I will spread the word.

  12. You actually pay less gas tax. Since 1978, there has been reduced gas tax for fuels containing a mixture of Ethanol. Straight petrol has a higher gas tax.

  13. E10 is not E15, much like morphine a little helps, a lot kills.
    So lets stick to the subject, we are talking about 15% right?

  14. Still don’t make sense to me. 85% ethanol, is better than a lower amount of 15% ??
    I agree it does settle to the bottom of your tank. Corn is sugar so, it will mess up the systems that is why we have new lawn mowers failing within a couple of seasons .

  15. You are referring to Wellworth Product FuelFixRx and Stabil Ethanol Stabilizer

  16. I’ve been running 10% ethanol in my cars for years, and all my friends and we have not had fuel related problems.

  17. “Unless you use one of the 2 fuel additives you can’t stop phase separation. ”

    Pray tell Lauren, what 2 additives would those be?

  18. As a shop owner I will tell you there is a big problem with E10 . It does separate and not only will it separate it will collect any moisture in your tank , even worse for boat owners ,. Plus your mileage is lower so you pay more gas tax , A added bonus for the Government .

  19. E10E15E85 is easy to separate a little bit of water can cause great harm; This creates SUPER ETHANOL, a red brown syrup at the bottom of your tank where your fuel pumps uptake is. flex cars are lined with Teflon which protects against corrosion, the point is E15 comes out you stir the economy by buying new cars since yours is dead and just to add the EPA is fining refineries millions to find cellulose ethanol which their cost is passed to the consumer; BTW its imaginary never been mass produced.

  20. I work in Fuel and oil transport, ethanol is blended at the refineries where it is also measured for the 10%. not at the gas stations. Nathan is right. And ethanol is the only green energy that is booming since it is forced upon most of the U.S.; The money waste is mostly in the 7 gallons of crude oil to 1 gallon of ethanol, Fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, tractor fuel and oil etc.
    and ethanol refineries have capacity to deliver e85 to the US which is why they are not at full capacity now.

  21. Having worked in the Oil and Gas industry for 30 years, I can tell you that Ethanol does indeed effect your vehicle in negative ways. It is more corrosive than Gasoline and since we outlawed the use of MTBE in the United States, We have had a lot of issues with Ethanol, We use additives in all our gasolines going to other countries because these countries will not allow our gasoline into their countries. just saying. I could go into alot more detail but there isn’t enough room here to do so.

  22. Where did this kid get to be such a good shot and did he have a gun in each hand? 4 hand guns is too many. This story is getting down right absurd.

  23. Well I was just annoyed at the reporter calling an
    AR15 an assault rifle.

  24. You are confusing the terms “assault rifle” and “assault weapon.” Assault rifle is a very clearly defined term. It is a select fire rifle capable of firing multiple rounds with one trigger pull. They have been strictly regulated since 1934 and banned since 1986 in the US to nearly everyone. There is no such thing as an “assault weapon” apart from any weapon used during an assault which could be sticks and stones. Just fyi.

  25. There is no such thing as an assault rifle it was a term made up by liberals to make normal rifles sound scary to the ignorant public.

  26. Totally set up. There were 4 shooters one got away. They’re trying to take our guns from us. How? Do some drastic shit so that you wanna ban them ( which was brought up about 30 minutes after this) Adam Lanzas dad is a man of importance

  27. Aspergers causing this? id have to disagree. the meds they put the aspergers kid on causing this? very very likely, considering the side effects of anti-depressions and psychotropics violent outbursts.

  28. This report must be wrong; Obama was calling for an assault rifle ban only yesterday because of thes killings. Surely Obama wouldn’t rely on the stupidity of the American people to ban legal rifles that had nothing to do with the killings.

  29. I don’t think the guy who really was crazy and let out of jail was connected. He killed his grandmother with a hammer and stole a rifle, not an assault rifle then said in a note that he wanted to do what he did best. Asbergers is nothing like the way they are portraying Adam lanza to be it is shameful. None of Lanzas neighbors knew them look for non Mainstream Media footage of actual testimony. All mockingbird news outlets are trying to paint the picture and conclusion for us.

  30. They have had more than enough time to edit the video tape don’t get your hopes up. Best thing to do if you have the time is to research all media coverage and compare it to all actual footage and audio. Lanza’s moms car the BMW and the black honda belonging to somebody else. Uncle Gene and the actors. The men who were caught fleeing the scene in a van and in the woods etc etc etc. No they seriously think we are that dumb and we won’t do anything about it.

  31. What are these other pistols we haven’t heard about? I mean makes total sense to suddenly ban all firearms in America. That sounds like a well thought out plan that couldn’t possibly go wrong.

  32. Obama the antichrist is behind all of this….with all power, signs, and lying wonders…to weaken the nations and declare himself god.

  33. Bottom line- Govt can’t create an enslaved police state w/ARMED slaves. Nor can they INVADE private homes & property w/ARMED citizens. Americans have become too rich in the U.N. eyes, giving HOPE to other enslaved regions. Freedom is a big crux in a nwo agenda.

  34. HOAX ALERT!! To get the real skinny, google The Max Ratt News Hour December 17th 2012 Episode 28: The Sandy Hook Hoax

  35. The school is locked down.  The shooter has to break in. What about the video cameras that are in most schools? What do these show? What about autopsies? Do the bullets recovered match the guns found?

  36. It’s all a gun grab….Notice the speed in which Feinstein already has new gun restrictions ready, it’s got to be a world record for anyone in Washington to prepare something so fast….Keep in mind this is the same administration that for 3 solid months still hasn’t accounted for Benghazi yet but they are right there on gun control….America is being played…


  38. The weak (Armless) become the slaves to the strong (Armed). It has always happened that way in history- or do we learn from the past? Unless mankinds heart changes, it will be this way.

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