Save Money on Gas and Cars (The Frugalicious Show)

How to save money on gas: buy with cash back credit cards like the Discover Open Road or the Costco Amex How to save money on purchasing a car: make sure you do your research and are prepared before you talk to the salespeople. Check out our site and subscribe to our channel! Facebook Twitter: The Frugalicious Show is a web tv show that helps you live the best possible life while spending the least amount of money. Bitsy and Erin share budget-friendly lifestyle tips on The Frugalicious Show, and Larissa shares hot deals every day on Deal of the Day. Learn how to live a Frugalicious life without sacrifice. Have a Frugalicious find you want to share? Leave a comment! TRANSCRIPT: [music] ERIN: Welcome back. Now onto talking about insurance, an unavoidable cost. BITSY: Yes ERIN: So how do we save here? We recommend looking into bundling. Just like at home with your cable, internet, phone bill, if you bundle your life insurance, your homeowners insurance, and your auto insurance, you can oftentimes lower your price and save on all three. BITSY: Awesome. ERIN: Pretty amazing, and remember that multiple drivers does not mean multiple carriers. BITSY: And there are some ideas that your insurance carrier is not necessarily going to share, like deals like local mileage break, or low risk occupation deal, you know those things can save you money, and look for discounts for features that most cars already have like
Video Rating: 4 / 5

In thisvideo I give a full in depth tour of the 1963 Ford Thunderbird Sport Roadster. I take viewers on a close look through the interior and exterior of this car while showing details, over viewing of features, and noting unique styling cues to the vehicle itself. I also show the engine and the details of it, start it up and see how it sounds under acceleration. A thorough tour/review of this car designed to give others a greater overall appreciation of the vehicle.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

39 thoughts on “Save Money on Gas and Cars (The Frugalicious Show)

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  7. also never buy a car new & look online for current inventories on aution sites

  8. Thank you SO MUCH. I plan to purchase a car in the future and need advise such as this. I have started my research :-) .

  9. Cool car, I think that era T-Bird had an awesome looking dashboard. Not a fan of “Continental Kits” though.

  10. In case you believe youre spending an excessive amount for automotive insurance, you are most likely right. Take a look at this internet site where you could obtain a better price.

  11. Cars of this era had real style and attention to detail just look at the artwork of the dashboard no cheap plastic to rattle all metal glove box door most of which started to be replaced in 69 and newer models,along with metal grills,69 Chevy models had plastic grills. Bullet Birds were beautiful, anyone remember seeing them on the TV show 77 Sunset Strip? They always sounded so cool and the same sound was used in The Flintstones, and other Hanna Barbara cartoons,of the sixties.

  12. I’ve never been a super big Ford person, but this is probably the most beautiful car I have ever seen.

  13. ha maybe the house was his parents and it was passed down? ha or maybe that was his goal.. to have a small house to have enough spending money for badass fun things! ha

  14. Are you needing more affordable insurance charges? Take a look at our interesting guide that makes clear ways you could save hundreds per month on your insurance fees!

  15. Could someone tell me why it has those extra hand lamps near the front vent windows? Did those come standard?

  16. It’s winter in the video and the grass is Bermuda, which goes dormant in cool weather. And who knows, he might just sleep in the RV. I’ve slept in worse.

  17. HEY terraria103………..their Toys as you call them I am sure have NOT been affected by the DOT COM bubble nor the SubPrime Mortgage rip off disasterrr……their investments are in a more secure place I would have thought ? no? cheers from Australia…( hey you are welcome “down under”, bring one of these beautys with you !! ))…..

  18. funny thing that Mercedes, Porsche,Lambo and other BIG name manufacturers think? they invented the hidaway roof !! amazing eh?  Phil from Australia.. go t bird go.

  19. whats wrong with simple living and having nice toys??? my dad lives in a small town house house and owns two porsches both 100,000 +

  20. Probably the coolest car ever made. The amount of detail on this car is astounding!

  21. good video man! but.. why haven’t you mentioned anything about the spot/search lights? those are pretty sick lookin’!

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