The Avengers 2 featuring The Amazing Spider-Man? – Beyond The Trailer

Will The Avengers 2 feature The Amazing Spider-Man? As news leaks of a possible Disney Marvel crossover with Sony, Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph gives you the inside track on any possible deals that might be made and why. What would it take to get an Avengers and Amazing Spider-Man crossover? And why won’t Marvel Studios ever get the film rights back to Spider-Man? Find out here! Enjoy The Amazing Spider-Man in 2012, and The Avengers 2 coming soon from Disney Marvel! Make Beyond The Trailer your first stop for entertainment news here on YouTube today!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “The Avengers 2 featuring The Amazing Spider-Man? – Beyond The Trailer

  1. There’s enough fan demand and plot possibilities that Sony has most likely already worked out a deal with Disney and we will be seeing Spiderman trading blows with Thanos and arguing with Iron Man

  2. He IS an Avenger. The cartoons started as comics. After they made the Avengers comics, Spiderman joined! They just didn’t put him in the avengers because he didn’t have a movie yet for the amazing spider man.

  3. spider man is NOT an avenger, why the fuck do all these young people think they know more than us, we watched the original cartoons, get on our fucking level. whoever started the rumor about spider man being on avengers 2 is fucking stupid, and if he is then the director better get his shit together and stop ruining originals.

  4. Best comic cross-over ever: SPIDER-MAN VS. WOLVERINE. When do we get to see the cemetery fight on the big screen?

  5. Spiderman: I’ll always be better then you. The amazing spiderman: I don’t see you in the avengers. Spiderman: *crys*.

  6. @kevinpeedy no they don’t. That’s the outfit he started I’m. Why change it?

  7. Guys it has already been decided. The next avengers is coming out in 2014, and I’m pretty sure the makers have made the scripts. So there is nothin we can do to. I love Spider-Man.

  8. this would actually be good cause spiderman is actually in the new avengers so it makes sense

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