Baby Left in Car – Social Experiment

Observing the behaviour of people who pass by a vehicle with a baby locked in the car. (Staged) This would connect with both the Physical Aspect of Being and the Emotional. We know that, in several ways, the body and mind works to maintain the status quo or balance(homeoestasis) so it is interesting to see people who seeminly are uninvolved or unaffected by this situation get involved and become a part of the situation. What Motivates them? Their intrinsic cognitive motivation where they do it for their own purposes (intrinsic) and mentally recognize a threat (to someone else in this case) but they cognitively try to eliminate the threat or risk to the infant. Maybe, by recognizing a threat to another human being, especially one who cannot protect themselves, they themselves feel threatened and feel compelled, by instinct? to act? Who knows… We’ve also learned that emotions are different from feelings. While emotions are more intense and momentary, feelings are longer-lasting and more general. The reactions these “advocates” have are straight emotional ones – intense states. Does it seem like the man was able to calm down more quickly than the woman, after they were debriefed? We learned that the male parasympathetic nervous system responds more quickly than a womans – that fight / flight system kicks in but can calm a man down more quickly. So much to consider… now that we’ve been studying this course!! Question: How do you think the actress playing the reckless
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “Baby Left in Car – Social Experiment

  1. They should do the same experiment but with a black baby. Or use the same baby but instead of a white woman use a black guy. I would love to see hat show.

  2. You act as if everyone would know what the fuck to do in that situation. the best some of us will do is call the police and wish that poor bastard luck. you helped him, good for you. you have something to feel good about. pat yourself on the back.

  3. My workout mix:
    1. “Eye Of The Tiger” -Survivor
    2. “Don’t Stop Me Now” -Queen
    3. “Baby Crying Slowly” -Hollywood Edge

  4. I wish someone had started smashing the car windows to get the “baby” out!

  5. It isn’t about suffocating. That isn’t what kills the baby. What will eventually kill that baby will be heat stroke, which can happen very quickly to an infant – possibly in five minutes or less.

  6. To save or not to save, complications abound. First, people probably don’t want to be caught breaking into someone’s car, set off alarm, draw attn to themselves in public. Does calling the police suffice, bc baby can’t suffocate in very fast time.

  7. it’s funny how a baby has a life but grown up people go to war to kill.
    well again there are people who live babies in the car and people who dont get involved.
    so my comment cancels itself…

  8. Gotta educate people to be more curious, more courageous. It’s the fact that people are scared to do something that isn’t the norm. Better to ignore it, don’t let it be your problem so you don’t have to be blamed.

  9. i would brake the window open and take the baby into the shade after i gathered evidence that the baby was in the car with the windows up unattended because if our going to damage property you have to have evidence and a good reason to damage property.

  10. Well then I’d suggest to give it a try. It came out a few years ago. I think IMDB rated it like 3, 3/12 out of five. Hell if nothing else it’ll blow an hour and a half on an off day.

  11. I would probably check it out, even if it was poorly acted, as long as I get the whole concept and idea.

  12. Have you ever watched a movie called the Killing Room? Neat flick, kinda had some similarities. At least based on the human condition. Sadly pretty poorly acted though.

  13. Yeah, and you would expect women to be much more sympathetic towards the other person who was getting hurt, but nope. I think the subjects are too hardened by life, most of them don’t even flinch when they pass the half way mark or when they hear the victim “scream”.

  14. I hear ya, that is one fine example. Sad thing is most fail as they go all the way, and keep lighting people up.

  15. They ignored the other guy when he was the first one to see the baby! Lol …

  16. People used to care more about this topic until this one story about some ghetto mom knifing a woman who rescued her baby from a hot car.

  17. It has been proven again and again that people who feel personality affected by certain situations are more likely to be sympathetic and help. Check out the Milgram Experiment, and pay close attention to the responses of the people who did not obey authority.

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