DRIVER 2 Walkthrough – 30 : Steal a Cop Car

What Tanner said about this Mission : “One police car taken and they crashing me like I kidnapped their wifes!! I really confuse about justice in this God forsaking country!!” LOL Plus another LOL for Tanner in bad English version xp

GTA San Andreas -

Hope you enjoy! If you do, Subscribe, Like and Favourite! Liking the playthrough? How bout you stay up to date with it! SUBSCRIBE! Let’s Play GTA San Andreas Walkthrough / Playthrough (PC) W/ Commentary – “Gray Imports Fail and a lot of Raging” 1) I go to the gray imports mission and fail… *SIGH* I basically had the mission but at the last minute, the dealer ran away in his car… 2) I end the video with some rage… Kill some Ballas and get caught by the police. 3) As I respawn in the police station I drive to some random place where there is a mega car explosion. One after the other, the cars blow up and I die in the process… This is a pretty fail video but funny none the less. Hope you enjoy it!

43 thoughts on “DRIVER 2 Walkthrough – 30 : Steal a Cop Car

  1. i have 2 LOL @ the cops on the roadblock they kinda ducked behind their cars like u were shooting at them xDD

  2. man…i wish my kids would play this amazing game like i did..but i guess my kids will be playing some FPS game which they shouldnt :/

  3. @TheLaca777 yeah right, the story beats driver 3, parallel lines, even driver san fransisco! XD

  4. Good memories. Now I re-finished Driver and Driver 2 with the emulator. Very good game, for me it’s better than GTA for driving style and story.

  5. epsxe 152 still not work? how bout psxfin or psx emulator? have you try it?

  6. Tried that but didn’t work for some reason.
    i use iso files cause i broke my driver 2 cds.

  7. you must be using epsxe and you must be using epsxe 170 rite :D ? well the working swap is epsxe 152, try to download and use that! :D

  8. i like the ambulance stage in Las Vegas but i could never get the second disc working on my emulator cause of the swap thing.

  9. Man the driver series werent bad, i liked 2 and 3 . Ps1 classic games are awesome !

  10. 0:57 Crazy cops, i like this game because is always a challenge, in first tow games,Driver and Driver 2 you always drive under pressure wacthing for the cops,the traffic and the clock,for amateurs it can be a very hard game, i remember seeing that one review posted that the last mission of Driver was impossible #LOL

  11. It’s not difficult to down load Grand Theft Auto IV free. I got it right from:

  12. i love ur videos especially the gta4 but can i say u cant drive for

  13. I’ve been playing Grand Theft Auto IV every day. Yep I actually down loaded Grand Theft Auto IV via:

  14. Next time use your “Sharingan!!” But, wait are you from the “Uchiha Clan?” and are you a “Kekkai Genkai”???

  15. ok you are funny and everything but man you have got to get better at this game

  16. wow,great video, ,please check out my channel, thanks
    greetings from Germany++Have fun

  17. This is awesome commentary on 1 of my fave games, GTA SA, but I agree with some of the others. U do need 2 be more attentive.

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