STUPID CAR CRASH! (8.24.10 – Day 481)

OMG im SO close to 100000 on twitter!! follow me and lets pwn the net together :) ***OTHER AWESOME STUFF*** We’re on twitter (duhhhh) hehe: Rest of our family! Join Us On FACEBOOK: Our Personal channels: Our website: ***************************
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 thoughts on “STUPID CAR CRASH! (8.24.10 – Day 481)

  1. Remember when they used to show an entire segment of opening mail…thats the fun thing about this stuff…you learn as you go! You learn what works and what does!

  2. Charles that car crash is nothing my mom just got in a car crash last month and there was a long dent on the bottom of our car and we had to get a new car. I know run-on sentence. Also can u buy me like 100,000 even though im only 10 i love it and drink it every time my mom gets it. Like right now thats why this is so long and i will keep typing. GIVE ME THE MUSTACHE STAMPS!!!!!! Alli u did say slinkly.

  3. o.o I think I remember Alli running into Charles’s Dad’s car in a vlog but I can’t remember which one o.o anyone remember? They made fun of her I think

  4. when life gives you lemons, make apple juice and sit back and watch the world wonder how you did that

  5. nice gansta face char 2:46
    4:12 sleepy nerd
    4:14 doggy char
    4:17 balance act
    6:28 air marley

  6. You shouldn’t stop drinking coffee. Who knows it might save your face in a few years ;)

  7. charles from the past, never stop drinking coffee it saved your life in the future. it gave u a comforting landing after that stupid brain tumor made u faint

  8. Odd thing is that I watched this video and the exact same type of car crash happened to me the next day. Leaving the mall, sitting at a stop sign and a girl rammed into by bumper because she thought I went already. Good thing I have a Hyundai, too so there’s little damage!

  9. you should do a mail vlog that is at least an hour long so you can open aLL the mail
    thumbs up if u agree

  10. When life gives you lemons, you give it back and say why the fuck did you give me lemons ?! I like strawberries!

  11. Your gangster face looks like beenerkeener when he’s doing his lip sync vids.

  12. Ohhh yeah charles. I have some photos that i don’t like. Two is from halloween, i look super weird..i was some kind of Dungeon Executioner..I think….And shit…I was a vampire! I’m was cooler than edward cause i didn’t sparkle!

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